Bibliographic information on East Asian materials can be found by searching online catalogs. When searching for a topic, use either Romanized Chinese/Japanese or English terms. You may also use Chinese/Japanese characters for searching Chinese/Japanese language materials in the Eide library catalog. All items are cataloged with Library of Congress subject headings and classification numbers, which means that books of similar subjects are shelved together. Library shelf locations are generally divided into a few sections, including Main Stack, Reference, Oversize, Collectanea, Traditional thread bounding, and Journal. (Download Library Map)

Eide Library Search
The best place to find books and journals about East Asian Studies is at Eide Library. Books are shelved on both 2nd and 3rd floor. Current issues of subscribed journals are housed on the display shelf on 2nd floor next to the office area. Past issues of all the journals are shelved together on 3rd floor. However, new orders and materials to be processed and cataloged at Eide library cannot be found in the Eide library online catalog.

A union catalog that itemized the collection of 15,637 libraries in 107 countries that participate in the OCLC global cooperative. It is the best place to discover materials that are not available at Eide Library.

A scholarly journal archive database, providing full-text and image online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences. Eide Library is currently subscribed to the Asia Collection in JSTOR.

An image database featuring a range of images from some of the world’s leading museums, artists, scholars, and photo archives and in one repository.

Reference books in Eide library include dictionaries, indexes, concordances, encyclopedias, bibliographies, and yearbooks. All reference books are shelved along the walls on 2nd floor. Topics include literature, philosophy, poetry, classics, biography, languages, plants, central Asia, regional histories, etc.

Selected books:

  • 先秦兩漢古籍逐字索引
    REF AI19.C5 H75
  • 大藏经索引
    REF BQ1210 .T352
  • 新疆年鉴/通志
    REF DS793.S62 H7715
  • 大漢和詞典
    REF PL681.C5 M86
  • 唐話辞書類集
    PL681.J3 T6
  • 方言詞典
    REF PL1547 .H75
  • 全唐詩索引
    REF PL2531.C5591 Q53
  • 中國植物志
    REF QK355 .Z476

Sibu Congkan /SPTK 四部叢刊
Publication Date: 1920s-1930s
This is also called the Four Branches of Literature Collection. It contains 504 titles in 3,134 volumes. The collection was published in 3 series: chu bian 初编, xu bian 续编 and san bian 三编. It is an important compilation of great works in the Chinese scholarly tradition, with an emphasis on Tang and pre-Tang works. The Eide library has two full sets of both first edition and second edition.

Sibu Beiyao 四部備要
Publication Date: 1966
The collection contains many of the same titles in the Sibu Congkan 四部叢刊. There are about 336 titles in 2,500 miniature volumes and corrected editions in 100 western-style volumes.

Cong shu ji cheng 叢書集成
Publication Date: 1935-1937
The collection has 3,087 titles in 3,467 volumes, most of which are from the Qing Dynasty. Titles that were left out of the Sibu Congkan 四部叢刊 and Sibu Beiyao 四部備要 were also included.

Zhengtong Daozang 正統道藏
Publication Date: 1963
The most frequently studied Daoist Canon, which was completed in the year 1445, during the reign of the Ming Dynasty Zhengtong emperor.

Gu ben xi qu cong kan 古本戲曲叢刊
Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
Publication Date: 1954-2018
A collection of ancient opera works, which collected and compiled many ancient opera scripts that exist today, solicited major libraries and private collections, collected the scripts from scattered collections and photocopied thousands of scripts for research purposes. It is a collection of research materials on ancient Chinese opera and preserves the best and most important books of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing operas.

Gu jin tu shu ji cheng 古今圖書集成
Publication Date: 1964
The largest encyclopedia in pre-modern China. Compiled in the early 18th century, it was intended to be a comprehensive survey of all branches of knowledge and includes many illustrations.

  • Most rare books and special materials currently can be found by searching Eide Library Catalog. Requests for rare and special books should be placed by filling out the request form. Contact the librarian Brittany Braasch at  for more information.
  • Rare books and special collections material can be used by appointment only, under the supervision of a librarian/staff, and only in the Eide library. Users are asked to follow the instructions below to optimize research while protecting and preserving the materials.
  • Wash your hands before coming to the reading area and handle the materials with extreme care.
  • Only pencils and electronic devices may be used for taking notes. Electrical outlets and wireless access are available in the library.
  • Please leave all other personal belongings with the librarian.
  • Pens and markers are NOT permitted. Food and drink are NOT permitted. Cell phone conversations are NOT permitted.
  • Photography in the reading area
  • Tripods, flash, and additional lightings are NOT permitted.
  • Personal copiers and scanners are NOT permitted.
  • Non-flash photography with a camera, phone, or tablet is allowed. A form of Photographic Reproduction Rights Agreement will be asked to be filled out for photo reproduction.

    Contact the librarian for more details.

Selected Websites: